Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

Sleep no more....33 weeks 3 days.

>> Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Well, I cant sleep. I have...hmmm let me count. 7 pillows, and stole one of Kylyns 2 pillows and no matter what I cant get comfy. My ribs hurt. like the line around where the bottom of my sports bra lands. It doesnt hurt in my back or stomach, just on my sides...like the 2 ribs bellow my boobs on both sides. Mostly on the right side though.  Ugh drives me nuts. I can sleep usually around 2:30-4am and then sleep as long as Kylyn allows. Lately shes been waking up at 5am with Zack when he gets up to get ready for work at 6am. She comes and lays in bed with me, and I turn on the tv and turn it to this super cute channel I cant remember the name of, and she watches and laughs, and eventually I fall asleep and somewhere after then so does she.. We wake up again between 8-10am. Then we just wait for daddy to come home at 3-4-5pm So so fun.

Today after Zack got off of work at 12pm he drove all the way home, picked Kylyn and I up, and drive all way back to Theif River...exactly a block not even from where he works, all for me to get my second steriod shot in my butt. OUCH this one was WAY worse then the first on Monday. After that was all over we went to see the potencial pet. A Norfolk Terrior. This famiyl found him and has taken him to the vet, posted up photos, posters, walked around, stopped at neighbors within almost a miles radious asking in person about the dog....maybe people had seen it around the area for the last 2-3 weeks thinking it was a fox. When they found him they thought he was a fox as well. They have had him for over a month and a half in their home. They started asking around for anyone who wanted him, and we did some reasearch and decided .. well sure why not.

He is a pure bread, but has some---for some reason--undesireable white markings in his coat. He is about 1yrs old or less. Hes great with kids, is trained, house trianed, and just an all around awesome dog. Not to mention he isnt nutered, and is worth around $2,500. Thats a nice free gift to get from complete strangers, who happen to have a daughter that works at hugos, and happen to be dating a guy that works with Zack. . .

After going and getting some of the few things we needed...like TOILET PAPER!!! We headed home, I painted Kylyns stool, and then Zack and I sanded and primed the entire crib except one peice. Tomorrow I'm hoping to finish priming, and can start painting it all. It was all in all a good day. I'm tired though, peeing non stop, and its 2:30am. . . .hmm. You would think I would eventually just pass out from exhaustion!!

I think Ill try sleep some, but we'll see what the night brings!! Goodnight.


33 Weeks 1 day - bedrest for a reason?...or no reason?...hmm

Well, after waking up WAY too early after getting very little sleep, getting in the car without eating a thing, and getting to my regular doctors appointment on time at 8am. I figured the day could only get better from here...That was totally wrong. An appointment in which I was to get a quick internal ultrasound to check cervical length, abdominal ultrasound to check babys position, my weight charted, along with my blood preasure,and then to just have my tummy measured quick...maybe a few minute conversatoin...it should have totalled 45-60min. Instead, everything went according to plan until I got to my doctor appointment. Everything looked wonderful, and she decided just for the fun of it to pop me on the monitor to see if I was having contractions or anything...my cervix was dialated to a 1cm but hasnt changed in 2weeks. I expected it might happen, but new it would be a on and off thing. I'm suposed to be on the machine for 20min. Well I was on for a total of about 6-10min. My doctor came in, and sent me right over to L&D. She said I was contracting every 3min. She put me on bed rest, gave me a painful steriod shot in my right butt cheek, pumped 2000mL of IV fluids in me, took a cathitor urin sample, put me on the monitor at the hospital, and then took some blood test.

I was there an hour with not one contraction, but I peed 4-5times. . . We missed our appointment to see the potencial new pet. My mom was slightly upset because this is the 2nd time I have gone into the clinic leaving Kylyn with her, and ended up being in L&D for hours causing her day to be completely rearranged. Finally after over 2 hours of laying in bed watching TV, peeing every 5-10min, and haveing zero contractions....I asked my nurse if I could go home. She called my doctor who said I could but had to be on bedrest. ... I basically can lay in bed, sleep, lay on my side, watch TV in bed or laying on the cough, go to the bathroom, shower or take a bath, NOT lift anything over 3-5lbs, drive, and walk only when needed. . .

Seriously? I was put on bedrest for no reason. Dumb. Well, I have too much to do, and get done to do nothing. A highschool friend came over and helped Zack and I paint all the doors and door frames, floor boards, and heating registers in our kitchen. I had 2 braxton hicks total. No problem.

I know I am on bedrest, but I KNOW when I'm having labor contractions...real contractions, I know when Im having a braxton hicks contraction, and I know when I'm not having any contractions of any kind...I know when I need to sit down, lay down, eat, pee, or just take a quick breather. IF something was up I would not hesitate to call my doctor. I trust myself, and my body. So since I left the hospital with a sore butt, a bandaid on my arm from my IV, and some hospital slippers, I went to hugos...yes I walked, and I filled a 1gallon jug of water...then carried it. We were in such a rush to get home and get all the things we needed to get done that day, we forgot to buy toilet paper, shampoo & conditionar, baby shampoo for Kylyn and some other items I cant recall. We got home painted, cleaned, and finally at around 11:30pm I made up a nice foot bath. awww it felt so wonderful. that was one exhausting, pointless day, BUT regaurdless I got ALOT done. Nothing happend. :)


32 weeks 5 days

>> Friday, June 25, 2010


30wks pregnant Photos

This is one of my favorites!
 My sister Brooke took some photos for us using my camera, so I had some photos throughout pregnancy. I thought it turned out cute.


Bed Time Wars with Kylyn

Well since before the beginning of April 2010 our daughter has been sleeing in the same room as Zack and I. First at our townhome because we packed away her room and moved hr bed into ours, so we could empty out other rooms and just leave our bedroom and the upstairs bathroom in working, living order. Then when we moved out and into my parents we all slept in my old bedroom. We had to have her sleep in our room when we first moved into our house a few weeks ago as well because we didnt have her bed, matress, or her room done. Now that her room is painted and almost completed, bed in place, etc we have been trying to get her back into the habit of sleeping in her own bed. ugh its hard. Zack and I are just so exhausted by bed time we dont have too much patience to sit for hours with her crying until she decides to sleep in her bed.

Last night Zack and I cracked down and succeeded. We just decided to put her to bed, go through our routine, and put her to bed in HER bedroom. We left her door open and her nightlight on, so it wasn't dark in her room in the slightest bit. she came out of her room right away. Zack and I just went to bed and ignored her cries to sleep in our bed. After 20min of throwing herself on the floor wailing, kicking and screaming...she finally just gave up went to her room got in bed and went to sleep. It worked perfectly. We plan to do it that way now every night. You would think that after a few nights of it she would learn that regaurdless of her kicking, screaming, and fit throwing that she is not sleeping in our room anymore.

Lets just hope it goes that way or else its going to be really interesting when we have the baby in the bassinett in our room. I'm sure she'll be waking up crying every few hours to be fed and if kylyn is wanting to sleep in the bed with us, and Zacks getting up at 5am every morning when he works at 6. ...we are going to NEVER AGAIN SLEEP!

Pray this all works out!!


Talk about Bad Timing

So I went to the doctor 6/1610 and let her know that the night before I had some pinkish tinted vaginal mucus (Sorry if thats TMI!!) and have had ALOT of Braxtin Hicks Contractions lately. If you have more then 6 in an hour your supposed to let your doctor know. I was having over 20 easily in a day and its very difficult and, although not necessarily painful, very uncomfortable!

She decided to check my cervix, and sure enough I was dilated to 1cm, and had a very intense contraction right there in the office. She put me on the monitor at the clinic for 20min. When she looked at the results she was slightly concerned because I was so irritable. She did a fFN or fetal fibronecton test, which thank goodness came back negative, and then sent me over to L&D for further monitoring. I was hooked up to 1000mL of  IV fluids, and had some lab tests done. 5hours after my original doctor appointment I was finally sent home and put on pelvic rest. Which means no sex, or orgasms.

The nurse who passed on the message to me was rather rude about it all. She came in and explained (with Zack standing right at the side of the bed next to me) that he would be fine going without me, and suggested for fathers day that I give Zack a bottle of lotion, some privacy, and a porn magazine! She then went on saying I didnt need to worry because she knew all about it since she had a husband and kids. all I could think was "Um what? and WHY would you say that.... ???!?!"  --  Zack and I just looked at each other and gave a very obvious "thats not funny" chuckle as she laughed her way out the door. UGH! I'm just praying I dont have her as a nurse while I'm in the hospital when I have my c-section!!

So anyway. I now have doctors appointments 2x a week. Mondays and Thursdays, every other appointment I have an ultrasound, and every 2weeks I have a fFN test. My doctor confirmed the pelvic rest thing, and added that I should try lift on my daughter as little as possible along with not lifting anything heavy. When BH contractions start to try just take it easy...sit down put my feet up and rest a few minutes before continuing about my day.

Its not easy when Zack works 8-12hrs a day full time, and we are trying to get ready for the baby, and remodel what we can afford to, along with fixing and repairing all the things that keep breaking along the way...like last night and the sump pump. We are taking it a day at a time...sometimes a hour at a time, or minute by minute...We have defiantly had our days where we are super productive, and our not so productive days.

Keep us in your prayers!


Things worked out.

Funny story. From my last post I'm sure it was apparent I was slightly upset about having to switch my due date from the 15th of August to the 28th of August. Well, at my following doctors appointment I brought it up, and we got it all switched back! My c-section, I believe,  is schedualed for the 9th. YAY for that.

I got about 3 second opinions, one from a midwife, two from registered nurses that work with OB/GYN's. All told me to ask my doctor to reconsider the due date, and we reasons for switching it. sue enough when I brought it up she denied ever switching it, and explained for 10minutes why my due date could not be the 23rd of August. Anyways, she said it must have gotten switched around in the nurses notes...lol EVEN THOUGH both Zack and I were presant when SHE switched my due date.

EITHER way now its back! YAY! So oday I'm 32weeks4 days pregnant. Sunday I'll be 33weeks! Every day is getting harder it seems though. Sleeping at night has become nearly impossible to do. I'm glad I only have to get to the 9th instead of the 15th. haha


28weeks all over again...stink

>> Saturday, June 5, 2010

Well, this may be too much information (TMI) for a blog but its mine, and you are free to stop reading at will.

So, I had my doctors appointment on the 3rd. I was according to my LMP ( last menstrual period) 29weeks and 4 days pregnant. The average amount days between the 1st day of your period and your ovulation day, is 14. I KNOW when I ovulated, because I always feel campy when I do ovulate. (strange fact no one should need to know) I know when or within the few days of when I got pregnant...OK so there's that.

Rewind way back to being 15 wks and some days preg. I had a doctors appointment my '16week' checkup/ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was taking measurements and said I was measuring more around 13.5wks, and instructed me to let my doctor know to change my due date. This has never happened so I was slightly alarmed and possibly a bit worried maybe something was wrong with our babies growth if she was measuring small...So I told my doctor, and she said laughing..."Who was your ultrasound tech??" I said -"um I think his name was Brian?" Doc: " Ahh yes, he doesn't know what he's talking about, ignore him, he shouldn't have even said anything. We are not going to change your due date from the 15th because you are measuring within 2 weeks of what you should be, if it was over 2 weeks we would consider changing it, but its not so don't even worry about it." ...

Alright, sooo I went on and then at my big anatomy scan measured about a week smaller then I was supposed to be, and so I brought it up to my doctor after the ultrasound and let her know, and she again laughed and explained there was no need to change my date. . . OK. No biggy, so my due date was still the 15th of August.

Well, two weeks ago I had my appointment and we tried to set or schedule my c-section date, and talked about doing it the 6th of August because doing it on a Thursday or Friday would work best for us, and I felt more so safe scheduling it at 38wks 4-5days then 39weeks 4-5days. I DID NOT WANT TO GO INTO LABOR BEFORE MY SCHEDULED C-SECTION.
She explained politely that it would not work because she would be gone. so she said possibly the 9th, which is a Monday, not something we wanted to really go for...so she said well how about you schedule an appointment 2weeks from now, and 4weeks from now (booking ahead) and at your next appointment 2wks from now we can schedule. Agreed.

SO I went in on the 3rd of June for my appointment being 29weeks 4days pregnant. She measured my stomach (as usual) and said your measuring right on track at 29cm. and then typed into her computer 28weeks. Zack and I looked at each other with some confusion, so I said, "um Eloise, I think I'm nearly 29weeks and some days aren't I?"

She chuckled and took our her wheel thing to date my LMP and said according to your LMP your due date is the 15th but since you measured small at your 16week appointment which is the most important or getting accurate measurements you are 28weeks along. She checked the computer and saw she had the 15th as my due date as well...and switched it to the 23rd!!! ugh. Then we scheduled my c-section for the 16th! She explained why my due date was the 23rd instead of the 15th and basically said that I was on a cusp? of dating accurately, and that she was going to go by my measurements at 15wks . . . very confusing for me. All her reasons for not switching my due date before suddenly were her reasons for switching it! I was so upset, still slightly am.

I'm seriously upset about this, and am planning on bringing it up again my next appointment. She has been doctoring me this entire time as if my due date was the 15th until the 3rd of June when she suddenly switched it! Now I will be having a c-section one day AFTER my due date calculated by the sure fire (LMP) NOT HAPPY.

I was just getting really really excited thinking I only had 9weeks left until I would hold my daughter in my arms, and now I'm going backwards! I guess if I could I would switch doctors or get at least a second opinion, if talking to her about this doesn't do anything. I my due date is really the 23rd then I would like to schedule my c-section for the 12th of August rather then the 16th.

Anyway, this was mostly just a vent. Its been a couple days since the appointment and I have cooled off, but every time I think about it I just get upset. I am already so uncomfortable, I cant imagine possibly going 2 or more weeks longer then maybe even necessary all because I am maybe having a small baby. :( . . . anyways there it is. My complaints.

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