Sleep no more....33 weeks 3 days.
>> Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Well, I cant sleep. I have...hmmm let me count. 7 pillows, and stole one of Kylyns 2 pillows and no matter what I cant get comfy. My ribs hurt. like the line around where the bottom of my sports bra lands. It doesnt hurt in my back or stomach, just on my the 2 ribs bellow my boobs on both sides. Mostly on the right side though. Ugh drives me nuts. I can sleep usually around 2:30-4am and then sleep as long as Kylyn allows. Lately shes been waking up at 5am with Zack when he gets up to get ready for work at 6am. She comes and lays in bed with me, and I turn on the tv and turn it to this super cute channel I cant remember the name of, and she watches and laughs, and eventually I fall asleep and somewhere after then so does she.. We wake up again between 8-10am. Then we just wait for daddy to come home at 3-4-5pm So so fun.
Today after Zack got off of work at 12pm he drove all the way home, picked Kylyn and I up, and drive all way back to Theif River...exactly a block not even from where he works, all for me to get my second steriod shot in my butt. OUCH this one was WAY worse then the first on Monday. After that was all over we went to see the potencial pet. A Norfolk Terrior. This famiyl found him and has taken him to the vet, posted up photos, posters, walked around, stopped at neighbors within almost a miles radious asking in person about the dog....maybe people had seen it around the area for the last 2-3 weeks thinking it was a fox. When they found him they thought he was a fox as well. They have had him for over a month and a half in their home. They started asking around for anyone who wanted him, and we did some reasearch and decided .. well sure why not.
He is a pure bread, but has some---for some reason--undesireable white markings in his coat. He is about 1yrs old or less. Hes great with kids, is trained, house trianed, and just an all around awesome dog. Not to mention he isnt nutered, and is worth around $2,500. Thats a nice free gift to get from complete strangers, who happen to have a daughter that works at hugos, and happen to be dating a guy that works with Zack. . .
After going and getting some of the few things we TOILET PAPER!!! We headed home, I painted Kylyns stool, and then Zack and I sanded and primed the entire crib except one peice. Tomorrow I'm hoping to finish priming, and can start painting it all. It was all in all a good day. I'm tired though, peeing non stop, and its 2:30am. . . .hmm. You would think I would eventually just pass out from exhaustion!!
I think Ill try sleep some, but we'll see what the night brings!! Goodnight.