Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

Oh To God Be The Glory

>> Wednesday, August 18, 2010

They are still planning on taking her PICC line out as of today, and they cut her medication in half as well...I cant think of the right name for it, but its purpose is to ease the withdrawal symptoms from the Fentanyl, which she has shown no set backs with. Her last dose is for Monday.

Today she is taking her car seat tolerance test. She has to sit in her car seat for 2hrs straight, while they monitor her oxygen intake. She can’t drop below a 90% the entire time. If she falls below that then we will discuss going home Monday, or Tuesday and how long she can handle being in a sitting position before her level of oxygen is effected. If she does good and passes the tolerance test and has no set backs with her ‘withdrawal easer’ medication she will be coming home maybe Monday or Tuesday!!! The doctor is shooting for Monday. Sunday night we get to sleep at the hospital and ‘room in’ with her… we are very excited.

It is hard to believe she was in serious critical condition, and was heading in the direction health wise of being sent to the cities for a heart lung bypass only a week ago from today. Go has blown away the nurses and Doctors with Joslyn’s progress. The doctor can’t stop saying how good Joslyn is making him look. God has been so good to us! Thank you for everyone who has been supporting and lifting up our family in prayer. May God bless you!


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