28 Weeks Already?!
>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010
To my dear sweet baby girl,
The day your beautiful auntie Brooke (mommy’s youngest sister) graduated from high school I hit my 28 week milestone. I made it into the ‘safer’ zone.
I read on a website called Babycenter.com about other women who are due in August, which is the month you are due to be born, who have gone into labor and delivered babies long before their time. Some of these little ones have survived against all odds, but still face the expected ups and downs, surgeries, and handicaps due to being born so early and were just not ready.
Sadly most have gone on to be with Jesus in Heaven. It makes me sad to read about these mommies who are or were right there with me in pregnancy go through these things. Their babies being whisked away to the NICU as their only chance of survival, some undergoing surgeries, others were only born already gone to the Lord. How hard it must be for those moms, dads, siblings and other friends and family to deal with. I hope that I never have to find out how hard it really is. My prayers go out to those who do know.
These stories make me realized how blessed I am for very day, every week my body can carry you, and keep you safe. All I want is for you to be healthy, and happy, and for you to make it, grow up in the Lord, and live your life as he purposed when He molded you inside my body. I love you my precious baby girl, and I only wish the best for you, and for your eternal soul. You are so important to your daddy and I. Kylyn doesn’t know it yet, but you are important to her as well. You are such a blessing, and I’m happy to feel you kick my bladder, and stick your foot under my rib cage…I know lots of mommies wish they could feel those things right now.
On to a lighter note. From here on out its doctors appointments every 2 weeks, instead of every 4 weeks, and at 36 weeks we move from every 2 weeks seeing the doctor, to every week. I am very excited because June 3rd we schedule your birthday, and hope you don’t come before it!
I heard your heartbeat Friday, and it was so reassuring to hear. Towards the end everything seems to get scary. Every cramp, gas pain, ligament pain, back pain, etc seems to cause me reason to be concerned but for a moment. Eloise said everything looked and sounded great, that my uterus was measuring at 27 weeks (which was a week off but still very good) my weight was good, my blood pressure was good…it all looked good.
We discussed issues about the c-section, which is how you will be delivered. Everything was reassuring. I am getting more and more excited to see that pretty little face, and hope that it’s a pretty little face and not a handsome one! Crossing my fingers the tech was right, and we aren’t spending too much time preparing for a girl when we need to be getting ready for a boy!
I Love You,
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