So! I Have Given Into Temptaion
>> Thursday, May 27, 2010
I have been rather good the entire pregnancy on the issue of having coffee. I have read LOTS about the effects of caffeine during pregnancy, and found a lot of it to be true. The one cup of coffee a day seems to be the most common. Well, not being a HUGE fan, or addict of coffee it hasn’t been hard to just avoid it when I can. I have had a total of about 3 cups of coffee total the entire time that I have been pregnant with this baby, but today I caved.
I was SO tired, and in such a dire need for energy that a little water and exercise was not seeming to give me, I drank 2.5 cups of coffee. Do I feel sick? No. Do I feel jittery? Not really, no. Do I feel better? MUCH!
I dont plan on doing this everyday, but today I made the rational choice that the benefits of drinking some coffee would defiantly outweigh the negative effects that 2.5 cups would have on my body. I'm very satisfied with my choice to drink it.
I have been a much more entertaining mommy to my daughter, I have enjoyed being outside with her feeding the turtles we moved outside yesterday. (After building the little turtle outdoor pond at my mom and dads) Its been a fun day so far...I have been singing on random, just loving my daughter to pieces. I especially love her chocolate covered face right now. :) There’s nothing like a blue eyed, curly blond haired, smiling girl, taking with that cute toddler voice, from a mouth covered with chocolate from ear to ear, and neck to eye. I love her to pieces for sure!
I keep wondering how having a baby so soon after moving into a new house will affect her. All these life changing changes all at once for a toddler might be daunting, and I’m not so sure how Kylyn will handle them….or how I will as a mom trying to help her through them. We plan on making EXTRA time for Kylyn giving her attention when the baby comes so she doesn’t feel so left out, or like we love her less then before when she was our one and only child.
She does seem excited to have a baby sister, as she talks to my tummy all the time, telling her baby sister to “come out!” It’s the cutest thing to wake up to in the morning when Kylyn is still in her super cuddly mood. She always wants to kiss my tummy, talk to it, rub it with the ‘Oh so famous Palmers anti-stretch cream’ lotion, and feel her moving around kicking her hands wherever she moves them. I love watching her facial expressions when she feels the baby kick, or move. She always oo’s and awe’s at it.
Well, its time for me to go and push my princess on the swing, and then take her dolly on a walk. She’s practicing being a good big sister with her dolly…we have to work on picking the doll up by the head. Its an ongoing process.
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