So Detatched...Whats Wrong With Me?
>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I felt so detatched during this pregnancy. Maybe it was because of how different the situation in which I was pregnant with Kylyn, and this baby are. With Kylyn I was so attatched, I was so involved, I felt like I knew who she was, I knew she was a girl before we found out, I talked to her all the time, read to her, sang to her...all before she was ever born. With this baby I just almost would forget I was pregnant being so busy with Kylyn. Having to get ready to move, to start planning, packing etc. Thinking about being pregnant wasn't a top priority in my day for me. I knew I was pregnant, but this baby was a stranger to me, I didnt really have a huntch as to gender, or babys personality. I didnt have much time to just sit quietly and sing, read, or talk to my belly like I did so much with Kylyn.
Maybe something was wrong with me, maybe something still is. I feel much better today, alot more attatched, but still, compared to Kylyn, not even close to attatched as I was at this time with her. Hoping it will get better as we move along up until I meet her.
I Love you baby, I really do. You are so important to me, and everytime I feel off, or read a story about mommys loosing their babies I remember how blessing I am to have you, and to be able, Lord Willing, to keep you alive, and growing strong. You are my princess. It's going to take some time for mommy to learn how to be a mommy of two instead of just one, but im sure you will make it easy.
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