Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

Another Milestone Down...How Many To Go?

>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010

To my dear sweet baby…GIRL, (we think)

I was overly happy to get to the 18-20 week stretch when I knew we would have the anatomy scan/ultrasound and could (if you cooperated) see your gender! I was SO extreamly nervous but oh so excited, because I wanted so badly to know if you were a boy or a girl. The ultrasound tech said he wasn’t positive, but he thought maybe that you were probably a girl…not very assuring. I wished we could have gotten a clearer shot, but all in all your heart was healthy, you had nothing wrong with you that the tech could find. Your measurements were all wonderful, although you were measuring almost 2 entire weeks behind. Overall you were a healthy growing baby girl.

Your ultrasound photos were adorable, you moved and moved and moved. It can be uncomfortable at times but I know there are many women out there in this world who would give anything to feel their baby move…whether it be because they have lost their baby, or if they just can’t get pregnant. I am truly blessed to feel uncomfortable in result of your movement!

I was excited to get to the end of every week from there after. The sad fact is, the survival rate for a infant born under 28weeks isn’t great, so every week we made it was a sigh of relief, a huge stress reliever, and a reassurance that every week you got stronger, and more equipped physically to handle this world. Your frail body needs to stay in there as long as possible until you’re ready to be born!

I Love You,


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