Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

Baby Shower

>> Saturday, July 24, 2010

It actually went rather well.  I was fairly worried no one would show, and although there wernt very many the people we had were all people I love! The desert bar my mom, sisters, and hubby helped put together were amazing. I finally got my rubbarb pie!! YUMM. I almost won the pin game, but Zack got me to say baby in the most obvious way haha and he won...but the grand prize was a pie and ofcourse we shared. :) The fire pit was going, people were conversing, NO rain praise the LORD! haha

My dad told Zack after, Zack informed him it was a really high % for rain during the shower, that if he (Zack) was right with the LORD it would not rain. hahaha we had our fun rubbing it in my dads face haha. Apparently Zack is fairly right with God because it didnt even sprinkle. :)

The gifts were amazing, Im so thankful for my sisters, and their thoughtfulness in gifts. haha As well we all those who gave cards and gifts alike. I am very thankful!

We ended the night back at our house with some friends we never have a chance to hang out with much anymore, had some of zacks prize pie, played a game and watched bits and peices of a movie. Good conversation, filled with awkward speach impedimants due to lack of sleep haha. Good time. 

Zack got the floor stained today so while he was stainning I took Kylyn on a walk, and then went over to my moms to help out and let her jump on the trampoline with her naughty aunties. I left her their to play after awhile, came home, showered, and then set the nursery up. SO excited with how it looks!!

After the shower, and after our friends headed for home, Zack and I folded clothes and put our baby girls clothes away sorting through things. It made it so much more real... I'm definatly in a nesting mode thats for sure! haha


BAD MOM /|\ Apology

I Have been running on a total of about 2-4, sometimes 5 hours of sleep every night and day. I am tired...This baby is DEFIANTLY bigger then Kylyn was, and loves to scratch either with her head or some wicked long fingernails my uterus. Its painful enough for me to hold my breath, stop moving, walking, or doing whatever it is I was doing at the time. She is MOST active at night, and peaceful and quiet all day long. Well I have a toddler thats MOST active during the day and sleeping at night...where is there any room for sleep? I was wondering the same thing.

I have permanent damage to my back and hips from my pregnancy with Kylyn, and feel I have only doubled or tripped my problems. I hate the idea of going to a chiropractor because everyone says you will have to continue going if you go once...Well I dont wanna be going forever...I just want them to tell me whats wrong with my back, and fix it. I wish wish wish I could go NOW and so I could possibly have a medical reason to have my cs the 2nd instead of the 9th, but thats a long shot in the dark, and I know it wont happen. I am miserable...absolutely miserable...I feel like an awful mother right now to my daughter because I CANT hardly move some days...Laying down means excruciating pain in my hips, lower back, mid back, ribs, shoulders, and knees. Sitting means excruciating pain in my hips, lower back, mid back and neck. If I stand after sitting for any longer period of time I walk around hunched over like a old woman because my ligaments get soo tight. The tendons in my groin make it nearly impossible to walk some days. My hips pop out of place on random...yet i have a wonderful most amazing daughter I need to care for being a sahm. i need to get up and feed her, and play with her and give her my undivided attention. i need to read her books, and sing her songs, to hug her, chase her, and give her some mommy loving. . . All these things have become painful and I feel horrible about it. Because I'm so tired, and stressed I have the shortest patience ever as of late.I'm working on it, and trying to just take things slow, and laugh the things that go wrong, off. 

I just want to have this baby and trade my nearly complete sleepless nights with nights with a toddler and infant where I can go to bed, sleep so much more comfortably, and wake up every 2-4hrs to breastfeed. I will be getting way more sleep then now. Dont get me wrong I love pregnant, but I think it should be medically necessary that as soon as my baby is fully term, and has been okeyd to come out into this world, that she DOES! Waiting any longer is nonsense. I wanna be a good mom again, I wanna be able to cuddle with my little girl(s) I want to sleep, I want to eat, and poop!! hah

ANYWAYS...Lately I have been really easily hurt, easily upset, easily disturbed, easily offended...I apologize If i have said anything, or done anything that has hurt anyone. I have only spoke my thoughts, my mind...this is my blog, more like my open book diary. As far as my readers go...i only know of 2 followers, so I assume not many read this, and I'm mostly talking to myself, and getting my thoughts out of my head and onto my blog. It relieves stress like no bodys business! haha
 I am sorry, and I hope you dont,or didnt take offense. What I write is what I observe as truth, if its not true than I observed it differently then what it really is. I love my family dearly, and would never change anything about them...well. haha jk. I have some issues with some of them..., and their lifestyles and what I think is appropriate for age, and what is not. These are my opinions. I can have them. Especially if these people are potentially going to influence my girls. I am their mom, and love them dearly. If I think something is unhealthy for them I will remove them from it.

I will not tell anyone i think they need to change this or that, but I DO think and WILL say that there is a time and a place for everything and every age...no one is perfect no one has a very good chance of ever being perfect either...But we should be responsible for our actions. I love you all, and I am not upset or mad, and I hope none of you are either. There is no reason to be.


Got baby bedding today!

>> Monday, July 19, 2010

Its SO adorable, ... http://www.walmart.com/ip/Lil-Kids-L-is-for-Ladybug-4-Piece-Crib-Bedding-Set-Bundle/14691205

its cute online, but even cuter in person...it just made our baby all the more real!!


Hard time with it all--another rant

My first experience being pregnant wasn't a good one. I got pregnant at 17 by my best friend of 3-4years, and boyfriend of less then 1yr. being a pastors daughter, and a graduate from a Christian school, there was very little who supported the fact that we didnt want to break up, that we didnt want to give our daughter up for adoption, and regardless of how slim the chances were, we wanted to get our lives straight and make things between us work. I knew before we even started dating that one day I would like to be married to my best friend, but what did I know. I was 17, and barely a graduate.  Things at home got bad, and I made the decision to get a job, and that job happened to be in Roseau MN which was too far to drive 5days a week every morning. I worked things out with Zack's aunt and uncle for me to live with them, and it worked out fine. I worked up until my doctor recommended moving my way closer to the hospital since I was fairly far away staying at the Laurins. I stayed back and forth between the Laurins and Zack's parents depending on how I was feeling.

  Everyone knew I was pregnant, and anytime I came home to visit my mom dad, and siblings a whole new wave of rumors rushed about the town. It made coming home sooo extremely bitter sweet. i felt as though Every thing I had ever done wrong was suddenly laid out for the town to see...No it wasn't everything, but it was a pretty big thing! I was ashamed and embarrassed, and I wanted to turn my life around, but so called Christians made me almost want to reconsider. They happened to be the main ones throwing rumors round and about that most of the time weren't even CLOSE to the truth. Judging me at every chance they could get...If I ever went out I always felt as if I was walking down main street naked or something...glares, and stares, and whispering...I hated it so much. It was awful, and although I knew what I had done to get me in that situation was wrong, I felt that they needed to put their eyeballs back in their sockets, look in the mirror, and start wrestling the beam out of their own eye before examining publicly the speck in mine.

  Do to the negativity surrounding my pregnancy and its circumstances I personally had a really hard time staying positive, and struggled badly with depression, but being pregnant, although recommended by my doctor, declined to take my medication. It was difficult to see this pregnancy as any thing then what everyone made me feel it was. I had a hard time enjoying my pregnancy, or anything that had to do with it. I didnt want anyone to give any attention to the fact that I was pregnant, but that was impossible.

  Valentines day I went into labor just before midnight...I stayed at Zacks parents, and sure enough at 2am I woke up feeling crampy. It wasn't THAT bad so I went back to sleep...again at around 4-4:30am I woke up, and this time I knew I was in labor. I called my mom, took a shower, drank some water, woke Zack up...and was checked into the hospital in TRF by 7am.

  As soon as I was in a room and hooked up, my doctor came in and checked me and sure enough I was 7cm dilated and 100% effaced. She was amazed and said we could go without an epi if we wanted because I was tolerating contractions so well...which I was. (i seriously had worse gas pains while pregnant with Kylyn then contractions) We expected to have a baby girl within a few hours. There was alot of drama over who would be allowed in the room, and who wouldn't. When Kylyn started to crown but was so badly molded, the choice to go ahead and just do a cs came, and with that the argument of whether my mom should be in the OR with me or if the daddy of my baby and my fiance' would sit at my side.
  I chose Zack, and in doing so my dad chose to walk out, and not see the baby or me until after I was discharged from the hospital. Not the best thing to happen and be on your mind as your about to have a major abdominal surgery. (not only was it a major surgery it was the first time I had ever been admitted into the hospital...um scary!)  I'm glad with the choice I made, although I wish my daddy hadnt left me because he didnt get his way....and I think, what if something happened to me in the OR, and he just left? ---

  Visitors came and went, and we felt supported by a few.

 My church threw me a 'Gods way baby shower', but it was awkward because a friend of mine had just miscarried her baby and was there and seemed to make the entire thing about her, and yeah it was just weird, and i felt awkward. It was nice, but I still felt, regardless, judged.  My  MIL couldn't be there ( maybe she could have but because Zack and I were not married it was a bit inappropriate I guess. )

  Kylyns first year was entirely hard for Zack and I. . . She was the BEST thing that could have happened to us. She defiantly woke us up. Yes,we didn't suddenly walk the straight and narrow, and made mistakes along the way, but with support, prayer, and REAL friends who weren't out to just milk us for information to then pass on to the next person, we got back on track. Kylyn turned 1yrs old Feb 15th, and Zack and I said "I do" March 27th. My daddy walked me down the isle, gave me away, and performed the ceremony. It was extremely special to me. I didnt cry one bit during the wedding until we got ready to walk down the isle, and Coldplays 'life in technicolor II' began to play...I lost it. At that moment everything over the last year hit me...and it was over. I was now married to my best friend, I had my baby girl, and we were finally the family we should be. The relief was amazing, and I couldnt have wanted it more.

  THIS TIME around...we got pregnant inside of marriage, and I hoped it would be wonderful. I hoped people would be excited for us, that people would congratulate us and not have that look in their eye like "what were you thinking...your so young why would you do it again on purpose?" ... we told our parents and both sides reacted...OK. not good, or bad. mostly just concerned about finances. Being money minded isnt always a bad thing, but it is when you hear your having a grandchild and all you can think of is our money situation.... kinda puts a damper on the announcement.

  Things have been good, but not great. It seems everyone has their opinion of Zack and I's situation...too young, not financially secure, ... etc. The worst of it is they talk to us about it out of concern and respect but then talk to others about for ..... um what reason again?? This causes so much trouble because then we only have added people placing their opinions and views of us on our shoulders or worse whispering it in their neighbors ears...just starting moooreeee rumors, and stories.
  My parents stress money all the time. If I ever talk to my mom about how im feeling if she asks etc she always compares it to herself and almsot tries to make it into a competition. Ilove my mom, but this hurts. I dont let her know how im feeling for her to inform me she mde it through and had 3 kids within a little over 3yr or whatever...She can win, i'm not in it for competition.  We got pregnant only a few months before we planned on TRYING to get pregnant....(oops) and it was in the right situation (us being married) and still....ugh
   Zacks parents were SO involved with my pregnancy with Kylyn, probably in part that I lived there off and on, before and right after Kylyn was born. But this time we have nothing to do with each other sadly, we see them every so often, but not much. Everyone is always busy, and has a schedual that cant be changed.  My FIL asks how I'm doing, and makes me feel he is concerned and wants to be involved in this pregnancy, but I dont always feel the same from my MIL. She always seems sooo focused on Kylyn, she seems to not even notice,im pregnant.  I don't know maybe I'm just seeing things differently. I just wish my MIL would be more involved, like she was last time. It makes me worried its going to be a situation of favoritism between Kylyn and our new baby girl.

Anyway...I'm just feeling that even though Zack and I are married, we are having our second baby girl in 22days maybe less...and we are trying disparately to do things right this time...people are still acting not excited, very uninvolved...etc.    Oh well I guess...

This rant definatly has to do with lack of sleep seeing as its 5am, and hormones...gonna go to bed.


Baby Shower Rant...

   My baby shower is this weekend and I cant even say I'm excited. At this point I almost would rather cancel it all together. Most people (where I live) dont have baby showers for their 2nd, 3rd, 4th...etc children, but rather only their first. I wouldnt normally consider doing a before baby shower, ... maybe doing a meet the baby party after she was here, but we need things before she gets here! Ha-ha. Not to mention the idea of blessing only the 1st born babies, and celebrating their life, and life to come is horrible. EVERY baby I ever have will be just as much a blessing as my first born.

   Well, we have had a rather busy life lately, and not everything has gone well. I dont want to complain too much about money, but it can at times be an issue. I'll explain. We moved from our townhome into my parents...then we couldnt get into our house bc paper work hadn't gone through, when we finally got in right off the bat the sump pump went. yay. We had to pay all our bills right off the bat, and get things at the house set up. (internet, tv, etc...) All of which costs money, so thats alot of money needed to be spent all at once.
   On top of that we found out we were having a little girl, and were excited because we had saved all of Kylyns clothes up until her lates size! THEN we found out my great aunt and uncle were cleaning out some stuff (where we stored stuff) and THREW out all of Kylyns baby clothes from Newborn through 12months!! Socks, shoes, onsies, outfits ,burp rags, everything!! WELL over $200 worth of baby stuff thrown away. Some of it having tags still attatched. Yes, I cried. We, therefore, have nothing for our new baby girl, until after shes 12months. We have bought some outfits, hit up some garage sales, we got her bedding, a dble stroller, new breastfeeding pump, ect...but are still lacking in a few things.
   We are doing cloth diapers this time which I'm excited for, BUT as much money as it saves long run, ... you have to buy bulk at once. So to get started costing us close to $200 or more... it just gets to be stressful. I know a baby shower would help relieve some stress as to some of the basic necessities for our daughter. This is largely a reason we would like a baby shower BEFORE the baby is here rather then have a meet the baby party afterwords.

  I'm not excited about the shower (even though we sort of need it) though for a few reasons. One being, NO one is comming. No one was in Church this last Sunday when it was announced so no one will get the info. I created an event since my mom didnt want to, and my sister was going on a youth retreat, on Facebook, and out of all the people I invited 5 people are comming. FIVE! Of those 5 people attending, 1 of them is a host, 2 are actual guests, and the other 2 consist of my husband and I. Slightly depressing.

   All the planning and info is being sent out last minute because my mom has been so busy with the death of my grandfather, and going back and forth helping out my grandma. Sunday my dad was gone (hes the pastor), so  Van announced it, but I dont even know what he said, or what info he had.
   My  mother inlaw cant comming which hurts because she was fairly involved in my pregnancy with my oldest daughter, Kylyn, but seems non existant with this pregnancy. Part of which is that our scheduals just dont match up for us to ever get together. When we do see my inlaws I feel, in my opinion, her focus is on Kylyn the majority of the time. Maybe I'm just over thinking things, but it really does hurt, and at times bothers me greatly.

   My Mom Dad and Brooke (my youngest sister) are suposed to be throwing it, but everyone has been running like crazy people, and have been almost too busy to make any of the arrangements.
   I feel dumb. I wanted BBQ's and salad, and a simple desert...she didnt want to do that. She thought a salad bar...then proceeded to list off 4-5 salads only 1 of them being a salad I would even eat. I understand your feeding others as well as me, but isnt it suposed to be for me and my growing baby?? Maybe I'm wrong. So we scratched that completely and went with a desert bar, which we are trying to plan, but NO one is letting anyone know if they plan on showing up. We have NO clue of the amount of food to get. :(
   I had a few hilarious game ideas... (not the cheesey boring dainty ladies baby shower games...) The fun humorous games people WANT to play. I'm not a big game player myself, but haha these are fun, and I cant wait. (I might have to if we dont have enough people) I had this ideal shower planned in my head, and my mom was in full compliance, but suddenly not so much.
   I didnt want a ladies shower, I wanted a couples shower that resembled more of a friends and family get together where we could all just joke, and enjoy eachothers humor and company....get to know one another, eat some good food, play some awesome games, and then joke about it all at the end. .... I'm scared theres only going to be a few people and its going to be all women and no one is gonna wanna play games, and its gonna just be awkward and boring, and another 'traditional' baby shower. I know I shouldnt complain and should have a thankful heart. Maybe its just the lack of sleep, and the crazy hormones. I dont know.



Weeeeellll,   two labor and delivery hospital visits, a pelvic rest sentance, preterm labor, and a bed rest sentance later, I finally made it to 36wks as of July 18th 2010! It was kinda scary there for awhile, but we got things under control, and although I have numorous Braxton Hicks contractions in an hour nearly every hour of every day...My cervix hasnt dialated anymore...that I know of (i'll find out in 13hrs and 15minutes), and nothing else seems to be going wrong. I have passed my last two NST's (Non Stress Test) and baby is growing accordingly. YAY!

I have alot of trouble staying hydrated it seems, so I drink water non stop it seems, which means I'm running to the bathroom non stop as well! When BH contractions get bad I stop and lay down, and drink more water until they subside, then go back to what I was doing. It isnt fun, thats for sure. Kylyn is demanding of my attention, and makes it hard to be on bedrest!

The baby nursery murals weren't going to paint themselves...nor would the antique hat box. So SLOWLY but surely the murals got sketched, then painted, and so did the hat box.  Zack is working on sanding the floor so we can stain it this week. Hopefully before this weekend maybe!! The murals are so cute, and im so excited to see the room all completed!

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