Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

Baby Shower Rant...

>> Monday, July 19, 2010

   My baby shower is this weekend and I cant even say I'm excited. At this point I almost would rather cancel it all together. Most people (where I live) dont have baby showers for their 2nd, 3rd, 4th...etc children, but rather only their first. I wouldnt normally consider doing a before baby shower, ... maybe doing a meet the baby party after she was here, but we need things before she gets here! Ha-ha. Not to mention the idea of blessing only the 1st born babies, and celebrating their life, and life to come is horrible. EVERY baby I ever have will be just as much a blessing as my first born.

   Well, we have had a rather busy life lately, and not everything has gone well. I dont want to complain too much about money, but it can at times be an issue. I'll explain. We moved from our townhome into my parents...then we couldnt get into our house bc paper work hadn't gone through, when we finally got in right off the bat the sump pump went. yay. We had to pay all our bills right off the bat, and get things at the house set up. (internet, tv, etc...) All of which costs money, so thats alot of money needed to be spent all at once.
   On top of that we found out we were having a little girl, and were excited because we had saved all of Kylyns clothes up until her lates size! THEN we found out my great aunt and uncle were cleaning out some stuff (where we stored stuff) and THREW out all of Kylyns baby clothes from Newborn through 12months!! Socks, shoes, onsies, outfits ,burp rags, everything!! WELL over $200 worth of baby stuff thrown away. Some of it having tags still attatched. Yes, I cried. We, therefore, have nothing for our new baby girl, until after shes 12months. We have bought some outfits, hit up some garage sales, we got her bedding, a dble stroller, new breastfeeding pump, ect...but are still lacking in a few things.
   We are doing cloth diapers this time which I'm excited for, BUT as much money as it saves long run, ... you have to buy bulk at once. So to get started costing us close to $200 or more... it just gets to be stressful. I know a baby shower would help relieve some stress as to some of the basic necessities for our daughter. This is largely a reason we would like a baby shower BEFORE the baby is here rather then have a meet the baby party afterwords.

  I'm not excited about the shower (even though we sort of need it) though for a few reasons. One being, NO one is comming. No one was in Church this last Sunday when it was announced so no one will get the info. I created an event since my mom didnt want to, and my sister was going on a youth retreat, on Facebook, and out of all the people I invited 5 people are comming. FIVE! Of those 5 people attending, 1 of them is a host, 2 are actual guests, and the other 2 consist of my husband and I. Slightly depressing.

   All the planning and info is being sent out last minute because my mom has been so busy with the death of my grandfather, and going back and forth helping out my grandma. Sunday my dad was gone (hes the pastor), so  Van announced it, but I dont even know what he said, or what info he had.
   My  mother inlaw cant comming which hurts because she was fairly involved in my pregnancy with my oldest daughter, Kylyn, but seems non existant with this pregnancy. Part of which is that our scheduals just dont match up for us to ever get together. When we do see my inlaws I feel, in my opinion, her focus is on Kylyn the majority of the time. Maybe I'm just over thinking things, but it really does hurt, and at times bothers me greatly.

   My Mom Dad and Brooke (my youngest sister) are suposed to be throwing it, but everyone has been running like crazy people, and have been almost too busy to make any of the arrangements.
   I feel dumb. I wanted BBQ's and salad, and a simple desert...she didnt want to do that. She thought a salad bar...then proceeded to list off 4-5 salads only 1 of them being a salad I would even eat. I understand your feeding others as well as me, but isnt it suposed to be for me and my growing baby?? Maybe I'm wrong. So we scratched that completely and went with a desert bar, which we are trying to plan, but NO one is letting anyone know if they plan on showing up. We have NO clue of the amount of food to get. :(
   I had a few hilarious game ideas... (not the cheesey boring dainty ladies baby shower games...) The fun humorous games people WANT to play. I'm not a big game player myself, but haha these are fun, and I cant wait. (I might have to if we dont have enough people) I had this ideal shower planned in my head, and my mom was in full compliance, but suddenly not so much.
   I didnt want a ladies shower, I wanted a couples shower that resembled more of a friends and family get together where we could all just joke, and enjoy eachothers humor and company....get to know one another, eat some good food, play some awesome games, and then joke about it all at the end. .... I'm scared theres only going to be a few people and its going to be all women and no one is gonna wanna play games, and its gonna just be awkward and boring, and another 'traditional' baby shower. I know I shouldnt complain and should have a thankful heart. Maybe its just the lack of sleep, and the crazy hormones. I dont know.


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