Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

We have lots of good news

>> Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Joslyn is doing splendid. She is in an open crib, off any support for breathing of any kind, is only on antibiotics, so she still has her PICC line in but that should be out tomorrow. She is eating 1oz of breast milk every 3hrs, and seems to take it very well. On top off all this, Zack and I have our daughter Kylyn with us, and even though we have to go in to see Joslyn separately since Kylyn isn’t old enough to enter the NICU, we both got to hold our precious new bundle for the first time tonight. It was heaven to finally be able to hold my baby.
It’s been lots of fun having Kylyn with us while we are down here. She is a handful, but we love it. We really wish we could introduce Kylyn to her sister now, but it will have to wait until Joslyn is discharged, and ready to go home for good! Kylyns handling it well and we hope to have her meet with a counselor that can explain at a 2.5yr old level about her baby sister. It’s a sibling’s class where they use dolls, pictures, games etc…to explain what being a big sibling is like, about babies, and will explain in a toddler way why Joslyn is sick, and why Kylyn can’t see her yet.

We are excited for tomorrow, so we get to hold her more, and maybe possibly breastfeed for the first time. It is expected to be hard to start off with since she went from a feeding tube, to bottles, and has yet to be fed by me exclusively, which was what we had hoped to do before she was born. Hopefully, Joslyn and I will get the hang of it quickly, and we can go home maybe sometime mid to end of next week!

Sunday Zack’s folks are coming to visit, and meet Joslyn for the first time, my parents were planning on coming, but we might be heading home Sunday evening ourselves for a day or two depending on when they think Joslyn will be sent home, in which case they may just wait to meet her till we bring her home.

I am just bubbling with joy over getting to hold her this evening. She is so small. Smaller then Kylyn was. I came in just as the station nurse was finishing up a 1oz bottle with her. I got to burp her, and then I just cuddled with her. I hummed and she opened her eyes just a crack to check out where the noise was coming from…smiled a few times from gas. It was a wonderful way to spend 30min. Then Zack went in, and held her while Kylyn and I watched funniest home videos, I gave her a back/neck massage, and ate granola bars together. It was an awesome evening. Now Daddy and Kylyn are pooped out around me sleeping soundly.

Excited for what the Lord has for us tomorrow.

Also please pray for Joslyn as she took her hearing test today and failed in her right ear. Hearing loss is a common side effect to the hypertension. We will find out tomorrow maybe more whether this is perminant, or not. She will take another hearing test as well to double check, not sure when that will be taking place though.


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