Well, I finally decided to keep track of the things I experience as a mom of a 3 year old, and a baby under 1 year. I used to journal alot, but with a toddler, then moving out of our town home, into my parents home until we closed on our house in June etc....Well, somewhere in the midst of it all my journaling abilities fell short. I decided to make it more fun, so maybe I will remind myself to do it more. I decided to create my first ever pregnancy blog, which is now just a blog where I can blog about being a mommy from being pregnant, to the issues we had with Joslyns first few weeks in this world, to just being a mommy with two beautiful girls! I hope you enjoy! Chelsie

Earlier Then Expected

>> Thursday, August 12, 2010

8/02/10 I had my last doctors appointment before my c-section date of 8/09/10. Everything looked well.

That evening I began haveing some contractions, which were painless, and inconsistent. I took them as Braxton Hicks contractions, and thought nothing more of them. Tuesday, I continued to have contractions, again painless and inconsistent in time, but were constant throughout the day and night. Wednesday, I began to become a bit worried by some noticeable changes in her movement. I continued with constant, but inconsistently timed contractions ranging anywhere from 20minutes apart to as little as 2. They were completely painless, but every so often where uncomfortable.

Thursday morning I woke up a little after 6, and was instantly concerned about the lack of movement from my baby girl. After eating some food drinking water and walking around, all in hopes of getting her to move, I decided to call Zack. I called him and informed him of my concerns, and asked him to come get me. . . I called L&D and started packing and getting ready. We checked in and got set up on monitors in no time. My doctor left Wednesday and wasnt due back until Sunday, so I was working with the on call doctor Dr. Bass, who was wonderful.

I was 3cm and regularly contracting. I was officially in labor. Soon enough I got my spinal and we were doing the C-section.

Josyln was born at 6:43pm weighing 6lbs 13oz and was 18 1/3 inches long. She scored a 5 on her first APGAR and then 7 and 7 later. She struggled with her breathing. She was looking more like 36wks rather then 38wks and some days. She was slightly premature, and her lungs were slightly under developed.

I went to the recovery room, not knowing all the issues with Joslyn. When I was out and back in my room I learned she was still struggling with her breathing, and soon enough they had called GF. They came in because they had a NICU, where as Their River dose not.

Joslyn left us in Thief River to go get the necessary help she needed from the Neonatal care unit in Grand Forks, while Zack stayed with me in Thief River until I was discharged. We were kept up to date on our baby girls situation by phone calls from the NICU team working with Joslyn in Grand Forks. Friday, Zack went to GF to visit, but due to her being so touch and go they did not allow him to touch her, or speak.

Sometime after 11pm GF called us at the hospital in TR to let us know she went from CPAP to the ventilator. She was still digressing. an oxygen level of 21 is considered room air. She was bumped up to 40.

Saturday I got discharged, and we ran home to unpack, give our daughter Kylyn who is 2 1/2 yrs some attention and love, update our families on the issues at hand, re-pack and get on our way. While at home Dr. Lund called and let us know he thought it would be in Joslyns best interest to move her to Fargo. She needed a ventilator capable of providing her tiny body with 600 breaths per minute. He called back within a half hour and let us know she would be going to Fargo, and for us to just meet her there.

When we got there I had only seen her about less then 10min before hand, and Zack maybe a total of 25-30min. I was slightly taken back by her condition.

She is on nitric oxide/oxygen and is on a ventilator breathing about 500 time a minute for her. She is on a sedative, and morphine to make sure she is comfortable. They gave her a blood transfusion and PIC line tonight. Since she was still trying to fight and work so they also had to give her some medication that has paralyzed her temporarily. This is for the purpose of letting her rest, and let her body recover and let the machines do the work for her.

Please pray for our baby girl. At first it seemed to be a problem easily handled, but has turned into a long journey of issues. We were told she could be home within a few days, but from the sounds of things now it could be a few weeks. This causes some issues with Zack and work, our daughter being away from us...etc. Please be praying for Joslyns quick, easy and beautiful full recovery. We are only allowed to hold her hand, we cannot talk much, hold her, and I cannot breastfeed her. I am pumping but she isnt to the point of being able to even work on feedings.

Joslyn is at the moment on a ventilator getting oxygen and nitric oxide, she has a catheter, a PIC line, a line in her belly button used to take blood samples, etc...She is very sick, and is in so much need of prayer and a healing touch from the Lord.

Please be praying for our little girl.


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